

Fiji - paradise - designed specifically for recreation. Fiji consists of 330 islands: two large and many small coral and volcanic islands. Fiji - a paradise for those who like scuba diving, snorkeling, diving, and retreat. The capital of Fiji is Suva, the city is located on Viti Levu. Other major cities and islands of Fiji, Lautoka, Nadi, Taveuni, Levuka, Sigatoka, Nausori, Savusavu and Labasa. Fiji is the ideal place for lovers of all types of recreation. In Fiji, the rest of world cinema, many stars, including Michelle Pfeiffer, Bill Gates, Ringo Starr, John McCaw, Pamela Stevenson, Pierce Brosnan & Tom Cruise.

Leisure Activities

Beach Holidays - Fiji are famous for the beautiful blue lagoons, pristine rivers and hills covered with evergreen forests.
Fans of golf - the islands have everything you need to play golf and tennis, these games are very popular, both with locals and visitors from Fiji to the tourists.
Activities - Quiet lagoon, broken coastline have always attracted diving and underwater hunting, riding on the boards, water skiing and kayaking. The larger islands are interesting for its flora and fauna. The recently opened several national parks.
Diving - one of the best in the world.
Cruise on sailing ships and modern on the islands of Fiji.
Hiking in the woods.


The climate is maritime, tropical, soft. The hottest months are January-March (28), the coolest - July and August (23). The rainy season falls on the hot months. The most favorable time to visit c June to October.

Population and language

On the islands of Fiji live 780 000 people. Approximately 46% - Hindus, 50% - local residents and other residents - immigrants from China, Europe and the Pacific islands. Official language - English. Also used local dialects and Hindi.


The national currency is the Fiji Fijian dollar. As of December 1, its rate was equal to 1.4925 U.S. dollars. Most restaurants, hotels and shops accept all major credit cards. Fiji is famous for jewelry and souvenirs - examples of folk art.
Banking on the islands are open for customers from 9.30 am to 15.00 days, from Monday to Thursday and until 16.00 on Fridays. At the international airport Nadi branch of the bank is working around the clock.


To visit Fiji - visa for citizens of Russia and the CIS is not required. Scheduled flights from Sydney (3 hours) or Korean Air flights from Moscow via Seoul.
When flying over Sydney - Australia opens a transit visa.